Training Program .

Discover your inner strength and embrace your unique abilities as you embark on a transformative journey. Uncover your true potential through an ethical, accredited, and, above all, shamanic course. Experience the power of emotional freedom and gain clarity on your purpose in this world. Release the burden of past wounds and bid farewell to lingering physical pain. Embrace a life of abundance as you step into a new chapter filled with healing, authenticity, and personal growth.

This course will take you on a journey of self healing, self discovery, self awareness, self love for yourself. You will also become an incredible Accredited Shamanic Practitioner who will be strong in ethics, have a deep understanding of shamanic healing & much much more, Read below of all the modules we cover that will in turn teach you to be one of the most sort after healers.  

Accredited Shamanic Practitioner Program


Now Taking bookings for September 2024

Graduation Gallery of 2023 classes  

"Intensive Personal Healing,

training, support and ethical teachings."

Unlocking Your Authenticity:

Self-Healing and Empowerment in the Initial Year of Shamanic Practitioner Training.

In the new era of healing, we recognize that we have an inherent gift of healing. Although we may not fully understand why we possess this knowledge, it resonates within us. This wisdom comes from the depths of our being, carried over from past lifetimes. Each of us holds these abilities, but often we struggle to comprehend them due to the influence of our Western society.

When we embark on the journey of healing and seek to learn ancient and contemporary shamanic methods, we bring ethics into our practice. Our goal is to create a sacred space where others can experience profound healing. We yearn to tap into our capabilities, but often we cannot attain this knowledge alone. We are presented with physical and spiritual guides to assist us on our journey.

To become true healers, it is crucial that we possess the desire and trust to hold space for others in an ethical, loving, compassionate, and non-judgmental manner. This is the only way to be a healer. However, it is essential that we first heal ourselves from our own traumas. We must find a safe environment that provides encouragement and support, allowing us to confront our vulnerabilities and heal not only ourselves but also the wounds passed down from our ancestors. Only by undertaking this personal healing can we truly contribute to the emergence of a new world. 

I strongly believe that all healers carry their own traumas, but in order to effectively hold space for others, we must become beacons of light ourselves. The journey of a shamanic healer begins with self-healing. We learn to let go of judgment, rediscover self-love, and embrace our true selves. In doing so, we become capable of providing a nurturing environment for others to heal.

This process is not a quick solution; But its ethical. It takes time to heal, time to learn, absorb & experience shamanism. Good foundations is the key to a strong understanding.

As your guide, I will not offer instant solutions or shortcuts. Instead, I will support you throughout your training and beyond, holding space for your deep healing. I am committed to being there for my students, past and present, providing a lifetime of support. This is why I am known as Shamama in the shamanic community.

Your training begins with yourself. The first nine to eleven months of this course focus on addressing the sources of distortion in your personal life. Shedding these layers takes time and requires processing, but it is possible and is a fundamental aspect of this course.

Once you have achieved strength and authenticity within yourself, we will then explore how to hold space for others and facilitate their healing in an ethical and safe manner.

I firmly believe that if we are to transform the toxic energies present in the spiritual communities and beyond, it starts with embarking on an inner journey of self-discovery. That is why we dedicate two years to this training, allowing you to develop unwavering authenticity and strength, so that you can create a safe haven for others to heal.

The Foundation

(Year 1)



Walking the path of self-love, self-healing, and gratitude. By doing so, we enable ourselves to live in peace, trust, authenticity, and connection. It is a journey where we bring in all the fragments of ourselves that we may have lost through self-inflicted wounds and trauma. Through this process, we begin to live a wholesome life. However, we still need support and love to fully embrace this path of self-discovery, this is offered here on this course and the healing tools that are taught to you are aids you may use for the rest of your life.

Allowing you to continue your personal healing when needed.  

What to expect on the foundation ?

The first year is a journey of self-discovery and personal growth, where you are the focal point of your life's story. While others may offer their opinions, it's important to remember that you are the one walking in your own shoes.

During this time, we learn to embrace our own power and navigate through our emotions with compassion. One of the most empowering words we can use is "NO," and it's perfectly alright to assert ourselves by saying it.

It's crucial to understand why certain situations trigger us and to address any feelings of anxiety, stress, depression, sadness, victim hood, or judgment. By delving into the root causes of these emotions, we gain insight into why we feel the way we do in those moments, allowing us to gradually peel away the layers.

As children, we learned early on how to feel safe, seek attention, and experience love. If our needs weren't met, we found ways to protect ourselves, sometimes adopting distorted approaches. For instance, we might have believed that doing things for others was the key to feeling loved or that saying "yes" to others was necessary to feel wanted.

In this year we will look at all of the above. We will laugh & cry together as we bring you back to your fullness and start a life of fulfillment & abundance.

Below is some of the subjects we will cover to bring you back too "YOU".

The First Year 

Discovering the Depths:

Transformative Healing in the First Year

What is Covered? 


In our work, we will be guided by your higher self, shamanic guides, and various spirits, such as the spirits of the four elements, four directions, and plant spirits. These spiritual entities will assist in your personal healing process, which will be complemented by ceremony and ritual.

Shamanic Journeying

A tool to enable you to receive healing, guidance, power and knowledge. Connection to self, Spirit and mama Earth. This is a tool used in many cultures to allow you to see what you generally can not. It is also very quick & effective to gain information.

Soul Retrieval 

When we have trauma in this reality we can sometimes loose confidence, voice, self love and then self doubt can creep in, We can go back to the trauma and close the trauma down so it is no longer effecting your life and choices. We bring back the fragments of you that might have been lost that day and allow them to align within you. Bringing all pieces of self back so you feel more whole and balanced. 

Ancestral Healing

Sometimes we can carry the same patterns, illnesses, disease that our older generation also have had. It isnt ours personally but it has been carried down the ancestral line and this can be carried within our DNA. 

We all have familiar experiences that possibly our parents have previously gone through or our grandparents?  We are able to find these wounds and close them down so they no longer continue down the D N A line. This will be cleared for the generations  to come. But it starts with you being brave enough to step onto this path an clear it first, well done

Key Topics

Soul Clearing

Finding your own Akashic records and healing what needs healing.

Karmic Clearing & understanding

You no longer have to carry the burden of your karma. We can clear it and start a new path.

Past Life Clearance

We have had many lives in history where we have had so much pain and trauma. We can sometimes bring those painful experiences into this life time. We are able to look at those lives with love and no judgments and heal them. This allows for balance in this life time and beyond.

Pre Birth 

Going right back into conception, the womb and birth. This allows us to see deeper the programs we have bought in and what programs are running now. Programs that make us feel


un lovable


and more. These programs are the catalyst of how we feel in situations that can create anxiety and more in us. We can heal these and release so we are no longer controlled by them.

Sacred Womb Work

Shadow work

for clearing, loving and excepting

Stepping into the shadow, the areas within ourselves we hide from ourselves. We will bring them to the light, no more hiding and we will love them, accept them .


Attachment understanding and Clearing

We can hold external attachments in our energy field that can create negative thought processes and in balances of energy. We have to make sure that we are not spiritual bypassing but there are energies that can sometimes attach to us. Always work in love to remove attachments to allow us to stand in our own personal power and energy.

"Using the Elements for Strength personal power

Ceremonies for Self love

Rituals for self acceptance"

To be aware is to then transform

Judge & Victim

Soul Remembrance

We forget who we are and how magical and incredibly amazing we are. We will be walking a path to show who you have been, who you are and what beautiful unique magic you personally hold that the world needs to see, hear and experience

Energy clearing & balancing

Our energy systems can be over active, under-active or just full of stuff that isn't ours. We learn to heal our systems, clear them and keep them clean with the up grades chakra system. This will also help you to stay a firm grounding on earth and will allow you to bring your creations into the physical quicker. Win win!

Year 2

Practitioner Training

..Shamanic Healers believe that if an individual is out
of energetic balance it will cause a dis-ease . We are
able to look at the soul line as much as the present day energy
. We look at- 

Traumas of the past.
Traumas of the soul
Traumas from the DNA LINE .

As a practitioner we are able to restore all theses areas
by clearing the multi dimensional pain, trauma and suffering
and bring it back to the individual to feel whole, balanced
and rejuvenated in this life time.
This can show up as
illnesses leaving the body for good.
Mindsets balanced and whole.
Feeling emotionally free for the first time in your life!
And there for giving you the life you were always meant to have.
A Shaman/ practitioner will guide you on the lighted path to awaken you in away that is magical.
Are you ready to step into your own POWER and learn how to guide others to a place of
and peace...........what a beautiful way to live!!!
What is a Shamanic Practitioner ?
What is a Shamanic Practitioner ?
A shamanic practitioner is a healer who moves into an altered state of consciousness to access a hidden reality in the spirit world for purposes of bringing back healing, power, and information.
Holding space for others to heal in a none judgmental, ethical practice. Using tools from the shamans and curenderous of Tuvan & Peruvian healers.
But working with strong ethics to hold your clients in safety and love. We are the new healers of the world and work along side our true mother to bring healing around the world.

Over my travels around the world that has lead me to train with some wonderful Shamans in Tuvan Siberia & Curenderos of the Shipibo Tribe in Peru that each of these incredible modalities are actually  working with the same energies and frequencies. There is so many buzz words right now for "shaman" but the truth is, we are all healers, seers and more. it isn't a claim for one area of the world and through my many years of teaching Shamanic Practitioner my realization is that each country, area of the world is steeped in rich energy to be connected to our true mother, to heal our hearts and feel more connected to the spirit world.

Unfortunately for people in the UK, our own people were persecuted for holding such knowledge and beliefs. our own people killed our healers and that left the UK without any linage to healing. Our traditional ways have been lost. Wouldn't it have been incredible to have been taught by our grand fathers/mothers of the old ways. but, it isn't this way and we  have had to find teachings in other corners of the globe to allow us to heal those traumas of the ancestral past and to learn to heal ourselves.
Although i have trained in Siberia and Peru, a lot of my teachings have come from my own connection to the spirit world and the plant spirits.
i find some of the traditional practices to be somewhat brutal or unethical.

I do not agree with some of the practices like spell binding or  forcing an entity off of an individual to then banish to the depths of earth!

(everything must come with love, to evolve such entities and to never banish anything especially into our mother- NEVER! 

I have seen curredorus in Peru weaving black magic and seeding others in a very uncomfortable way. This is not my way and it will not be how i teach. i have very strong ethics and will teach others how to practice ethically with love and compassion for all things, 
If we are really going to change this world then we must come to have deep love and compassion for everything. Learn to evolve rather than be stuck in old ways. Come together as one tribe rather than feel we are better than others because we have linage knowledge.

We are all brothers and sisters. Shamanism for me is to help others to find themselves, to heal, to hold love in hearts and to work with areas that we might find ugly but to love them anyway!

The Training 

Shamanic journeying 

You will learn to guide others in shamanic journeying. Holding the space for others to learn how to journey. This will aid you if you decide to work in groups at a later date.

The Shamanic Cosmos

These are the three areas you will move to work with your shamanic helpers, guides, power animals to gain information needed for healing yourself, clients, mother earth and universal.

Shamanic Guides

You will grow a relationship with these individuals learning to work with them and understanding them to gain greater healing experiences in all matters. Having a strong relationship with your guides is a fundamental part of being a healer. You work together to bring the knowledge you need to hold clients.

Power Animals 

These are part of the group of guides you have. you will again gain knowledge of whom they are and why they are here to guide you. You will build a strong relationship with these guides to have deeper connection to spirit. 

Plant Spirit Medicine

Great protectors and helpers. You will also work with these to gain knowledge of plant medicine. We will work with Dietas 
(Dietas are how we truly connect to plants.)
We gain respect with the plants and build a relationship up with them to work ethically through the year to gain strong relationships with. Once you have gained the foundational level to working with plant medicine you will become a strong facilitator to hold space for others in ceremonies using our English plants and beyond.

Personal Protection whilst working with clients. 

This is such an important part of any spiritual understanding and awareness and in shamanic practice, vital! your protection is unique as your DNA & ESSENSE is unique. your protection is also unique. white light is not enough and having the same protection as the person sat next to you, is like wearing the wrong size clothes. you will work personally with your guides and helpers to obtain the best fit protection cloak for you personally.

Past Life Clearance & Understanding

You know how to do this for yourself and you will now learn how to clear paslife traumas for clients. You will also learn how to clear many pastlives at one time.

Soul Retrieval

Clearing and healing clients with Soul Retrieval is such an honour and privilege to beable to do. You will learn how to soul retrieve for others.

Medicine Extraction

We often have attachments in our energy fields. these can cause you to have random thoughts right through to causing you illness and disease. With this work we are able to detect attachments and remove them from the energy field of the client. We work with our shamanic helpers to remove safely.

Depossession Healing

This also comes under medicine extraction. Sometimes a spirit will not pass over and there for lose energy as time passes. The become tired and find themselves drifting into a persons energy where they stay. This again can cause thought patterns to be disturbed and off course illness. We learn how to remove the spirit and send them home.

DNA Clearance

For Clients 

Karma Clearing for clients 

Work with your clients to clear all their kama. 

Chakra Upgrades

Upgrade  energy systems for a faster, healthier life! 

Feather Assessment

Uncover animal spirit, feel how feather purges & releases energy blockages in clients. Connect, remove attachments.
This is how we detected impurities in our clients. Working with feather assessment.

Psychopump Healing

Psychopump work: Healing spirits and earth, connecting to all for holistic healing. Learn how to clear spirit in homes, lands and in energy fields. This is a safe way to ward spirits home and using this process will allow you to clear buildings with disruptive spirits. otherwise known as house clearance.

Etheric Healing

You will learn to work with clients and your own etheric self. This can be achieved via distant healing but generally whilst client is with you.
Curse Removal
Curse's are real, These can be tricky and unpredictable but when we work in love and create a safe environment we can unravel curse and re balance the energies. This is vital to learn how to unravel properly with all the mopping up that is required. There are over 5 different curse types and you will be guided to learn each one and how to effectively remove.

Full Healings in the physical & Distance Healing 
 You will learn how to conduct a full healing, bringing everything you have learnt into a flowing healing for others. With safety and flow. 

you will also learn ....
Room set up
Client confidentiality
Client safety 
Your own personal safety 

Healing with the Elementals

You will learn more about the elemental and aid them in healing mother earth. in doing so you will gain a relationship with these magical begins and gain access to secret healing technique from them.

Rituals and Ceremonies

Learn to work with all elements, conduct fire ceremonies, release, work with the moon, understand curses & their removal, gain shamanic name, and align with your element for personal harmony.
You will learn parts of your personality that have been hidden. we will work a lot with the shadow self so we can understand who we truly are.


The certificate that you will gain will be for “shamanic healing” at practitioner level. This it not a teach the shamanic practitioner qualification. you will need to do the teach the teacher traiing with stacy keast to teach this course after the above 2yr trainning. terms and conditions will apply/

You will be asked to complete and write up 4 assessment healing's to complete your practitioner training program.

Shamanic Practitioner in the physical at Stacy Home Gainsborough, Lincolnshire

We will meet once a month at my home in Lincolnshire. This is a course that is in person and is designed for no more than 10 persons to attend this class. Dates for second year will be announced later on in the year.                  

Start Date 
September - Sunday 8th 
October - Sunday 6th 
November - Sunday 3rd
December - Sunday 8th 

January - Sunday 5th 
February - Sunday 2nd 
March - Sunday 2nd 
April - Sunday 13th 
May - Sunday 4th 
June - Sunday 8th 
July - Sunday 6th 
September - Sunday 7th Graduation 

You have the option to receive a 25% discount by paying for the course in full. Alternatively, you can secure your spot with a non-refundable deposit of £600 and make monthly payments of £207 for 18 months, starting in July. Failure to make these payments will result in the cancellation of your place on the course.

A little video from Stacy 

If you are still interested in the Shamanic Practitioner training. Watch this video from Stacy who answers many more questions in regards the training .

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this course has already started


Start Date

September - Sunday 8th

October - Sunday 6th

November - Sunday 3rd

December - Sunday 8th


January - Sunday 5th

February - Sunday 2nd

March - Sunday 2nd

April - Sunday 13th

May - Sunday 4th

June - Sunday 8th

July - Sunday 6th

September - Sunday 7th Graduation


What Clients Say

I highly recommend working with Stacy. I found her on line March 2020 and started with a 'little' 6 week introduction to journeying course. Well, this knocked my socks off and I wanted to discover more about me and the world of Shamanics. I currently practise Reiki but Shamanic healing goes to the root of your problem and works on so many levels. I went on to complete the Shamanic Practitioner course. I can not thank Stacy enough for showing and teaching different tools to use in every day life to assist firstly my healing and ultimately I will be offering healing to others. I am not the same person I was a year ago - I have definitely grown as a person and feel truly liberated by this experience. As you ultimately shed your ego along the journey there are some losses but the gains far outweigh these losses. I now know and recognise that the journey with Shaminism will be a lifelong one for me and I am excited to continue to grow as a person and explore this world. Thank you Stacy.

Stacy Keast has the most beautiful heart I have ever seen. Such a pure and gentle soul. The way Stacy teaches is phenomenal. She has so much experience with Shamanism and Her knowledge is never ending.

Her healing are deep and connected to heart. I have been in Stacy's workshops for nearly a year and they are full of love, understanding, joy, support, and most of all communication. I have learnt so much within this time and will do for a very long time. Stacy has always advised me on the effects of healing and what to expect, the support is always there.

I would honestly RECOMMEND Stacy for any healing work or to do any studies with.

Love you Stacy.

Out of this world !

Stacy is just


after 4 months of researching Shamanic courses, i came across Stacy. *I was instantly drawn to her beautiful energy and it completely resonated with me. After talking to Stacy i never looked back, the course has been a life changing experience, the impact on my day to day life is beyond. Stacy is everything you could want from a teacher plus more, giving you chance to unlock your personal power rather than it being handed to us. Stacy has allowed me to be the best version of myself and forever growing i have completed my shamanic practitioner course and now onto advanced. Spiritual, physical, mental and emotion development 100/10*

Thank you Stacy for everything my ( Shamama ) :)

Chris P

More information


Stacy about

Shamanic Practitioner training 

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What People Say

"I'm just in the process of finishing my year-long Shamanic Practitioner course with Stacy Keast, and if I had to sum the experience up in one word it would quite literally be "Magic".

If you're drawn to shamanic work, keep in mind that there is a fundamental difference between a "shamanic practitioner" and an actual "shaman".

Stacy is undoubtedly the latter. My wholehearted recommendation is if you take your practice seriously, learn from the best. :)

Thomas Minter

I highly recommend working with Stacy. I found her on line March 2020 and started with a 'little' 6 week introduction to journeying course. Well, this knocked my socks off and I wanted to discover more about me and the world of Shamanics. I currently practise Reiki but Shamanic healing goes to the root of your problem and works on so many levels. I went on to complete the Shamanic Practitioner course. I can not thank Stacy enough for showing and teaching different tools to use in every day life to assist firstly my healing and ultimately I will be offering healing to others. I am not the same person I was a year ago - I have definitely grown as a person and feel truly liberated by this experience. As you ultimately shed your ego along the journey there are some losses but the gains far outweigh these losses. I now know and recognise that the journey with Shaminism will be a lifelong one for me and I am excited to continue to grow as a person and explore this world. Thank you Stacy.

Caroline Twigg

Stacy is simply the best. Puts you at your ease and makes even the most serious sessions fun. Highly recommended.

Elisa Grey 

1 year healing/ drum experience

What can I say. I am one member from a family of 3 that went on stacys course. Stacy was most comforting and considerate to our family. Stacy you are someone I look up to. You are a shining star in the sky. You have helped me through the toughest year of healing, and I wouldn’t have wanted anyone else to have helped me on this journey. You have been there for me not just in class but outside of class, as a teacher and as a sister. You have been there for me, through laughter and tears. You have held me throughout this journey in such a loving way, through thick and thin, and made me grow through so much love and compassion. This course made me stronger as a person and we made a beautiful drum as a family and I feel you as part of our family now too. A united trio/quadruple. Everybody should do this course. It healed me in every way possible. I thank you Stacy, my whole family thanks you. LOTS OF LOVE SILVIA 1/3

Silvia Carlino

I came across Stacy purely by chance.

I came across Stacy purely by chance. I enrolled onto her Shamanic course and quite literally felt my life change for the better. She has a teaching style that is raw, compassionate, unique and will take your breath away. If you are prepared to put the hard work in, you will not be disappointed. I for one will always hold her dear to my heart. Thank you Stacy.

Frank Carlino 

Life changing course!

This course has been life changing for me. Stacy is such an amazing teacher, friend and a beautiful soul inside and out. I found my true self, happiness through stacy who brings the best out of everyone. Communication was amazing and always supportive and loving. We shared a beautiful group who are now forever friends. I would not hesitate to recommend stacy to anyone. I am now in my second year and loving every second of being involved. It felt like a breeze and easy to understand, connect and just the whole experience in general; I would so do it over and over again! I look forward to my new and transformed path. Xx

Taila Michaels CEO OF Mystical Wolf

Out of this world !

Stacy is just OUT OF THIS WORLD!

after 4 months of researching Shamanic courses, i came across Stacy. *I was instantly drawn to her beautiful energy and it completely resonated with me. After talking to Stacy i never looked back, the course has been a life changing experience, the impact on my day to day life is beyond. Stacy is everything you could want from a teacher plus more, giving you chance to unlock your personal power rather than it being handed to us. Stacy has allowed me to be the best version of myself and forever growing i have completed my shamanic practitioner course and now onto advanced. Spiritual, physical, mental and emotion development 100/10*

Thank you Stacy for everything my ( Shamama ) :)

Chris Poullos CEO of


When I made the decision to do Shamanic practitioner with Stacey Keast I wasn't aware of the transformation it was going to bring.

It's a journey in to your soul... Shinning the light on to who you really are. It has been life changing for me and there are no words that can give it justice it has to be experienced.

I Couldn't stop crying on our graduation day, the fact fact it had come to an end and looking back at the person I was and how far I had come on a personal level was epic.

Stacey creates a down to earth family environment she is funny, full of wisdom full of love, caring and nurturing. I have so much love and respect for her it makes my heart want to burst. I would sign up until the day that I die just so I could hang out once a month with this rare treasure.

If you are thinking about doing this course look no further you are in the right place. Make that decision to nurture your soul its the greatest gift you could give to yourself, you'll thank yourself for it...

Suzie Calder CEO

Male or female if you are looking for the opportunity to become a certified shamanic practitioner? working along side your own personal spirit guides to offer healing on people, animals and spirit 👻 and also join a course that helps you discover your true authentic self while you learn shamanic healing and much more! Also make friends for life along the way? this course is for you! join the journey! You won't regret it!

Nick Reese

i would recommend Stacy Keast, Shamanic healing for all individuals. She is a fantastic teacher, explaining things as easily and simply as possible. The amount of learning is quite comprehensive, and would highly recommend any course that Stacy may teach in future. i now also feel extremely priviledged to be able to call Stacy my friend for life. Thank you Stacy Keast for all that you do, both present and in your future endeavors. xx

Anne Locke 

Exceptional and Life Changing

Stacy has transformed my life for the better. I came to Stacy lost, in pain, depressed with depleted energy, constantly falling asleep, and wanting to know "Why me? What have I done?" After 1 year I have found the answers I was looking for, and slowly I am gaining back that loveable funny and charismatic person I once was and always inspired to continue being. I recommend Stacy Shamanic practioner course if you ever feel like bettering your mental, body and spirit self, it's the best investment you will make. I became part of a welcoming and supportive network in the process and found a new love for all things spiritual. I never felt judged only ever loved. I have had such a profound journey full of healing and along the way I have found my purpose. The magnitude of gratitude I have for this course and stacy, is immense, and would recommend for everyone to do. Thank you for everything and changing my life for the better. I hope to carry your teachings forward in my everyday life.

Gigi Carlino

Fabulous Shamanic Practitioner Training

If there is even a tiny part of your soul that’s calling you to train with Stacy, listen to that inner voice. I did and it was the most eye-opening, amazing year of my life. I cleared negative programs that had been with me for years, I gained valuable skills to help heal myself, my clients and our beautiful earth, and I made friends for life. This course could be the best gift you ever give yourself. It was for 

Karen van Wyk 

Life changing experience

I first met Stacy for a personal healing, where I felt she opened a door of endless possibilities within me that I couldn’t wait to explore so I joined her 1 year Practitioner Training. Stacy is an incredible teacher and person, she never ceases to inspire me and everyone around her. She is passionate, dedicated, deeply loving, just and she practices gratitude on a level no one I’ve ever met does. Going down this path with her changes one forever. It isn’t an easy path at all, but you learn to appreciate it, and you’ve got the best support and reward. You learn ways and tools to see beyond the visible and bring back wisdom and healing from, in return for your trust, faith, appreciation and commitment. You learn to take responsibility for your own healing, to set yourself free from programs, beliefs, attachments, and more in a quest to find your beautiful authentic self, unconditional love, joy, gratitude, true purpose and the desire to bring healing to others

Karola Timmis

Fantastic Shamanic Teacher

I trained with Stacy 3 years ago now and it has been life changing I left my dead end job of 14 years and had a complete career change to do what I love helping others. Once you train with Stacy she is forever there for you completely authentic, non judgemental, full of joy & honest. The training is such a fantastic self healing journey. I love that she experienced working with the Shamanic tribes in Peru, she has amazing knowledge & experience, she also makes the most wonderful drums. I also made a drum with Stacy & my drum has been part of my wonderful Shamanic journey. I’ve also experienced a wonderful powerful healing from Stacy a profound experience. I love that she offers a introduction course to give you a taste of the shamanic way. The Shamanic way is a calling & if you find yourself reading this then you are being called & guided to this wonderful soul. Blessings & thank you. Stacy X

Emma Ridgeway

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